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Island Tribe 2 Patch - The Best Software For Your

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by tricellbitcock1987 2020. 2. 27. 01:01


Dive into new adventures in Island Tribe 3! Check out the hit game right now!Having made a wish in front of the Altar of Wishes, the settlers find themselves back at their home island again! The great volcano no longer threatens their well-being, bright future lies ahead and the dream of everlasting peace seems to have come true.New life on the home island also brings new feelings along with it. The leader of the settlers falls in love with one of the girls in the tribe and decides to marry her. The wedding should take place in an ancient temple the doors of which are locked. In order to open them, the islanders have to find the pieces of magic runes scattered all around the island.

On top of everything the bride gets stolen by an evil shaman.Help the leader of the tribe find his beloved one and open the doors of the ancient temple! Let's make their honey moon dream come true!

The difference is enormous. The story campaign alone is planned to be 4 times bigger than the original game.

The core gameplay while remaining familiar will grow in all directions - construction stage will be more elaborate,resource management will be added, new hero that can be leveled and trained to obtain new perks, item system that will allow equipping your hero - some items are randomly generated and include special traits, and finally the wholemultiplayer online world. Continue reading the FAQ to see explanations of new features in detail. No, you won't be able to pause the game, the game will be running 24/7 even when you sleep - the building process will go on, resources will be mined, etc. You can order up construction of several buildings and then goto sleep, and when you wake up - everything is finished + you have plenty of resources accumulated overnight.Unfortunately that is the drawback of making an online game - when a lot of people play it, it is unacceptable to allow one player to pause it and make everyone else wait. Also the ability of the game to continue theconstruction, research, and training while you are offline makes it fairer, so those people who don't have time to sit in the game 24/7 won't be at a disadvantage to those people who can.

Furthermore thisonly concerns the boring stuff (building delays). Puzzles, hidden objects, and other story-related things won't happen without you.Also if your friend wants to help you in battle, he or she can send reinforcements to your village and go offline. Those reinforcement units will help you defend your village, whether your friend is online or not. There will be basically one game with all features, but you will be able to choose how big of an impact they will have, and you will be able to change it while playing. Even if you are a single-player type of person,multiplayer features will still be there, it just won't have as big an impact. However once you have had enough of regular quests and story and decide to enjoy more multiplayer stuff like joining an alliance with other players,you will be able to do it at almost any time you feel ready. The best way to utilize player interaction is to find or create a good alliance.

An alliance is a group of people who joined together to reach a common goal. That goal could be arranging common defense against annoying beggars and looters:)But usually an alliance is a group of friendly people. Anyone can make an alliance and invite those people they want. You as an alliance leader can invite only serious and kind people. There will be some nice tools like shared diplomacy -you can arrange unions or non-attack pacts with other alliances. You can also levy tax from all players in the alliance - this is useful when someone in the alliance is attacked badly and needs resources to rebuild their village - allalliance members can pay taxes and those taxes can be transferred to the member in need.Finally alliances will have a separate chat, so if you take only nice people in it, it will be a nice place to talk.Buildings and Town Management.

We will have 2 types of locations - building locations and quest locations. Building locations are towns and are like levels in the original Totem Tribe, where you build stuff, gather armies andfight. Like Red Rock Island in TT1. Quest locations are like levels where you have Aruku alone solving puzzles, like Mist Island in TT1.

Plus you can transfer troops and resources to quest locations to aid your hero. For example you mayneed to buy something or bribe someone in the quest location - you just gather enough resources in your town and transfer the necessary amount of resources into the quest location using your traders and your hero willbe able to spend those resources, solving quests. Resources are like money in this game - you spend resources to build huts, hire troops, buy stuff, etc. Upgrading buildings will not only improve their look, but will also make them more useful. For example when you upgrade the hut, worker capacity in it will be increased, barracks will house more warriors, towers will be shootingstronger projectiles and so on. Since we have included resources now, we decided to save some space and make player villages more compact - there is really no need to build a number of the same buildings in your village now, allyou do is just make one building of a specific type and upgrade it! Normally you won't be able to build several barracks, in order to build the second one; you will have to acquire some unique resource on the world map.

This is done to keep the army sizes balanced. However there will beseveral barrack-like structures you can build (like hunter camps and shaman tents in TT1). This way all unit types will be used, unlike TT1 where the best strategy was to amass shamans. Furthermore you can settle anothertown and build the barracks there. Since you can transfer your army between towns as you see fit, it is not as important where army structures are situated.Units and Army. They are advisors.

They will help you during the game. They will be giving you optional quests on what you should do to improve your current state in your country. When you feel the need for advice - you ask themand they will tell you about your current weaknesses and what you should do to fix them.

Bulat will be giving advice about the military side of things - how to defend, which units to build, when to attack, etc.Zweistein on the other hand will give hints on what to build and research to improve your economy, culture, tech, etc. The story is planned to have: Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Epilogue. One of the four chapters planned is roughly the size of the original Totem Tribe so you can imagine how bigthe game will be.

We plan to release the closed alpha with the Prologue only. The Prologue is basically an extensive tutorial that teaches you all the new stuff while you are being introduced to this world and thestory behind it. This includes one building location and a couple of small quest locations. Story-related and story-unrelated.

Story-related puzzles are exactly like they were in TT1, while story-unrelated puzzles have two important changes: 1. Each puzzle has 6 difficulty levels.

The higher difficulty -the greater reward. This means that you can find 2 similar puzzles at different places, but they will have different difficulty levels. You won't be able to choose the difficulty level, but puzzles are entirely optional -so you can skip them if you get stuck!

Story-unrelated puzzles are randomized - you will never know which one of those puzzles you will find next, where it will be, and the rewards from them are randomized too! In the original Totem Tribe there wasn't much talking going on, therefore it was unclear what kind of personality main heroes had.This time we decided that characters should express themselves better.

Since the player now will be represented by his or her custom created character, we thought it would be cool if a player can play outtheir character in conversations too! When some character speaks, you can ask questions, respond to their words and even take some action throughout the conversation. There will be local influence and global influence. The former is when you can solve quests differently through conversation. Example: guard does not want to let you in and you have to find another way around, but you canjust persuade him to accept a bribe with proper choices in conversation. The latter is when your answers in conversation do not change anything right away, however they are recorded to determine your personality in the game -you can be selfish, wanting rewards for everything you do, or altruistic, helping people in need, not expecting a reward, etc.

That behavior will be measured and might be taken into account later in the game. Not necessarilyto determine which ending, but maybe you will miss some quest or find another one.

You can get halfway towards several types of victories, but it requires 100% devotion to actually achieve one. For example in order to achieve the Culture Victory you have to create buildings that increase your culturallevel and they are usually peaceful (temples, obelisks, etc.) while in order to achieve War Victory you have to build as many barracks as possible, and barracks decrease your cultural level. Thus if you are moving towardsWar Victory, you are moving away from Culture Victory and vice versa.

We will make sure you will have enough means to minimize the negative effect from being attacked, but attacks might still happen from time to time. Having said that, the multiplayer part is not about battling other players all the time,that's boring. The multiplayer part will be more about social activity where people team up together to follow their common goal more easily. That goal of course could be waging war against others, but it can alsobe defending together against others, making a trade alliance, or even helping each other with quests and the storyline, much like on the forums on this site, but right inside the game where you can not onlyshare advice, but also help with resources or send troops to your friend in need. As big as you want. There are many ways to structure relationships among various players to form a huge web of subordination.

Island Tribe 2 Patch - The Best Software For Your Home

With Protectorate, weaker players can be ordered under the stronger one. Stronger playersform an alliance. Alliance itself could be a vassal of some other stronger alliance. The stronger alliance may form a coalition by uniting with other stronger alliances and wage war against a rival coalition.In such a situation the whole world could be involved in a huge planet-wide confrontation!Monetization. It all depends on how you play - how much time you spend, how competitive you are, how much you want to be involved in interaction with other players, etc.

There will be a Cash Shop which will sellhelpful consumable items which will simplify things a bit - like temporarily increasing your income, speeding up construction, etc. All those items from the Cash Shop can be obtained in the game without paying anything,but of course in limited amounts.

Basically the Cash Shop is a legalized cheat system, but not too powerful - you cannot buy your way to victory, but you can simplify things a lot.On the other hand, if you are mainly interested in puzzles and quests, maybe you won't need it at all since you are not competing with anyone. All you might want to buy is some items which will guarantee protectionfor your country from other players in later stages of the game, but it will be possible without spending money too. Making Totem Tribe 2 available online only is something we feel is necessary on a number of levels. First, it will allow us to continuously evolve the game. And second, it will allow us to better protect the game (our losses onTotem Tribe Gold were significant). We did not come by this decision lightly, as we know many of our avid fans are more accustomed to downloadable games.

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Rest assured, we will do everything in our power to help you get comfortablewith the idea of playing Totem Tribe 2 online (it doesn't mean you have to play with other players) and all that it entails. We think that, in the end, you'll have a wonderful experience.

You will not have to save at all, the game will be calculated on the server, thus even if you are disconnected, game progress is not lost - you can reconnect and continue on from where you left. Basically, the game is storedon our servers, not on your computer.

Just enter your login, password and start playing again. Even if your computer crashes or you need to reinstall the game client, you won't lose your progress!All you need is to remember your login/password and you can continue your game session from any computer. The nature of the game is that you need to pay attention to your country from time to time. If you don't, your army might die and your towns will be plundered by others. If you don't visit the game for a few weeks,your country will be removed to provide space for other active players.

However your account will stay and you can create a new country and play from the start. Your account will be removed after a much longer inactive period likemaybe 6 to 12 months. However if you deposited money at least once, your account will never be deleted.Chat and Messaging system.